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Hearing the voice of God can be hard at first, especially when you don’t know what you’re looking for. In ministry, things are often already planned out or scheduled or organized to where you just show up. But when there is nothing on the schedule, you just have to seek God and what God has for the rest of the day.

The beginning was challenging, because most people were tired and wanted to sleep. The plan started with going to the park and passing out sandwiches to the homeless. Everyone was excited and ready. They wrote Bible verses and little encouragements to go in each bag. 

Then the rain came. Flash flood warning popped up. Rain unleashed. But everyone went out in the rain-they had a job to do for God, and weren’t going to let anything stop them. It was humbling to walk up to the homeless and hungry, while they were under cover and staying dry, but everyone else was soaked. The rain changed the ministry completely. A lot of the people were all crowded into one area, making conversation easy.

It was a glimpse into what life looks like for people who have no shelter to go to when it rains. You think about cold night shelters, but you never think about what happens in the rain. You do not have a change of dry clothes or an option to get out of the rain, you just get wet. God was in the rain.